Saturday, January 14, 2017

This is Us

I appropriately titled this entry because...well, I love that show...and here lately that's just what it has been: us. Me and the kids. Jake got his job back in the oilfield...well, not the same job he lost this last time but the one he was laid off from the day we picked up the kids in April of 2015. (yeah that was scary) So, he is gone for weeks at a time. The first hitch was just a little over 2 weeks. The next one was 3 and this one will be 5. It won't always be this way, but unemployment took it's toll on our savings and credit cards so he is working extra to get us back in a good place financially. Needless to say, we utilize FaceTime a LOT.

My Nanny has been my saving grace. Were it not for her, I would be up a creek. She helps me so much and she just doesn't even have to do anything but be here and it's helpful. My mother in law and father in law are always willing to help...and my dad has picked Riley up from school a time or two when I needed it. But, for the most part, I make sure my kids come first so that doesn't have to happen. Riley landed the best teacher in Pine Tree Primary. I am SO incredibly thankful that God answered my many many nights of prayer and gave Riley the perfect teacher for his needs. Riley has a form of dyslexia and most don't even recognize it until 1st grade...when they're already so far behind. I knew something wasn't right with him but everyone kept telling me to relax and that I was just paranoid. BULL. Anyway, she referred me to Dr Childress who is a brilliant Opthamologist in Longview. He specializes in visual therapy and is helping Riley so much. He said that with his hard work and our cooperation at home, Riley will be reading above his grade level before the end of the year. I pray he is right. I see my poor baby struggling and it hurts this mama's heart. We pray for Jesus to heal his eyes every night before we go to sleep. He has the most tender heart and I couldn't ask for a sweeter son. He is so kind and so full of joy. He never doesn't have a smile on his face. He even smiles when he sleeps! Precious boy, I love him so.

Little miss Ramsey Mae has become the sassiest little thing I've ever seen. She has her hand on her hip 99% of the time when she talks to you and she never ever stops talking. I honestly don't know when she breathes. She refuses to potty train because she says that she is the baby and babies wear diapers. (insert eye roll) I'm trying to convince her this is not the case that all three of them will ALWAYS be my babies...and over the past couple of days she has seemed more and more interested in the potty so fingers crossed we are almost over that hump lol.

Roxi Kay is such a sweet little girl. She is ornery as the day is long but she has the sweetest little "yes ma'am" I've ever heard and I can't help but just stare at her with wonder. Her hair is getting long and she is starting to recognize letters and numbers. She is interested in the days of the week right now and what order they go in. I am so in awe of how children pick up on things when you never even realize they're listening.

In one week we will celebrate our "gotcha day" anniversary. It's already been a year! My babies have been the biggest blessings in my life and I thank God for giving them to me. One thing I was recently told is that God gave these children to me to love and to protect and to care for no matter what. THEY are my obligation and my privilege. I take pride in knowing that He entrusted me with such a big job and I will lay down my life to fulfill that purpose.

Thank you all for your continued prayers.

We love you
