Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Once Upon A Time...

I had to share this somewhere. I didn't want to post it on facebook because I didn't want the millions of questions and the "congratulations" from those who just see the pic and don't read the caption...I just had to acknowledge it. Because, if for nobody else, this was and is still important to us.

I downloaded this app called TimeHop a couple of weeks ago. It's been really cool looking back at what I posted 4-5 years ago. Seeing how young I look...reading the posts about me and Jake getting engaged. Wedding planning....etc etc.

Until yesterday.

This was on my timehop. I literally felt my heart break. I knew the date was coming up. But, I guess I was hoping it would skip over this post. I actually thought I had deleted it...

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I remember looking at that pregnancy test and way. Are you sure??? I started crying and laughing at the same time. I was on birth control. This isn't even possible! WHAT?!?! I immediately called Jake and he came running in there and I handed him the test and he just smiled and hugged me and said "Congrats!" lol

Congrats? Um...what? 

Then he took a minute to let it sink in and he turned around and looked at me and said, "I'm gonna be a daddy! You're gonna be a mommy!" And the tears fell.

We left and went straight to my moms house. I walked in the door and she was waiting on me. She said, "what's wrong?" I said, "Mom...I'm gonna have a baby!" She jumped up and was crying by the time she grabbed me and kissed my cheek. She just kept saying over and over how happy she was. She hugged Jake and hugged me again. It was a beautiful moment. One that I will never ever forget. 

I called my sister at work. She was 8 months pregnant with Carlisle. She answered the phone and I said, "Sissy I have something to tell you. I'm pregnant!" She started crying. Yes. MY SISTER. lol! I went up to see her and she came up and hugged me and had tears running down her face. She was so happy. 

I was so happy. 

We were SO happy.

We went to the doctor and got our due date that day. I started planning. It was the most exciting feeling I've ever experienced.

I can't wait to feel that again.

I'll miss you every day of my life until I see you again my sweet baby.

Baby McAdams' Mommy

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