Monday, January 12, 2015


This year will not revolve around our infertility. In fact, we are taking a break from all of it. Gosh that feels good to say...I feel like I should say something along the lines of "Hi my name is Lori and I'm addicted to fertility treatments" Blah. That's not funny but I think in a way it was true. Not the any means. But, I was so focused on the goal that I forgot why.

In the process, I've nearly had a nervous breakdown.

So, my husband and I are having fun. We are planning vacations. We are working on our home. We are watching movies in our pjs in front of a fire. We aren't going to Saturday appointments and running spending money on fertility stuff. I am not choking down pills every night and running to the potty every 5 minutes.

So...this is what being normal feels like? I like this. A LOT.

Don't get me wrong. We still want kids. And we will have kids. We may adopt. We are considering foster to adopt. We are considering lots of things.

But not until we have had a good long hiatus to just be us.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Please don't stop as my mental  and emotional health isn't at it's best right now...but I am getting help for that so no worries ;)

Here's to a year of endless possibilities.

